Installation & Ongoing Servicing - add

Filter and Cooler Servicing – Our NovoH2O commitment to you

  1. We will come to your premises and replace the filters, clean and sanitise the filter housing and check all fittings and tubing for good condition and working order.
  2. We will clean and sanitise the cooler inside and outside. We will replace the top, drip tray and taps and restore it to an as-new condition each time.
  3. We will date and sign the cooler service record sticker next to the filter housing. We will send you a letter confirming that the service has been conducted for Occupational Health and Safety record keeping.

Our NovoH2O 5 Star Guarantee to all rental customers:

  • Regular, scheduled water filter replacement, cooler sanitation and system check.
  • We will service your filter system whenever it is required.